Saturday, December 28, 2013

First Things First!

Hey Phoenix Vegans!!!

First things first! This blog won't be covering vegan or vegetarian restaurants in Phoenix. This blog will primarily focus on vegan options at non-vegan restaurants. And I'm not talking about where you can get french fries or a side salad with olive oil dressing! I'm talking about totally-delicious, totally-filling dishes. I will post pictures if I remember to take a picture before I dive into my food. What can I say? I'm hungry!!

With that said, this website will direct you to vegan and vegetarian restaurants in the Phoenix area. Some of my favorites include...

Green (get the BIG WAC!!!!!)
Treehouse Bakery- Flavors posted almost daily on their Facebook page
24 Carrots- Located in Tempe
Pomegranate Cafe- Located in Ahwatukee
Loving Hut

Happy eating!